Physical Therapy From Pain to Prevention: The Benefits of Physical Therapy It’s no secret that our lives have become increasingly sedentary. We sit at desks all day, then come home and plop down on the couch
Physical Therapy The Seven Amazing Benefits of Physical Therapy You’ve probably heard of physical therapy (PT) before, but you may not know exactly what it is or what benefits it can offer. According to
Physical Therapy How to Choose the Right Physical Therapist When you’re in pain, the thought of finding a physical therapist (PT) can be daunting. Perhaps you don’t even know where to start. What questions
Physical Therapy How Physical Therapy Can Improve Your Quality of Life Most people think of physical therapy as a way to recover from an injury. And while that’s certainly one of the ways PT can help
Physical Therapy Hello and Welcome! Welcome to the Robert Stravinsky Physical Therapy Blog Archives. Here you will find articles and information regarding physical therapy for your knowledge. Enjoy!